From Dive 50 at Arrow Point

- Thursday, May 4, 2000 -
He's kinda hard to spot but there's a Green Moray hiding in the crevasse (go to the lower right from the center, and look for the shape of his head). The flash didn't go off (or either wasn't strong enough) to get a clearer shot of him. I wasn't about to try to get closer to see if I could get a better shot.

Dive 49 - apme.jpg - apwater.jpg - apsuzuki1.jpg - aporings1.jpg - apsukitom.jpg - aptinycrabs1.jpg - apgmoray.jpg - apctworms1.jpg - apparrot1.jpg - apsfish1.jpg - apsfish2.jpg
By - The Dive Log - Blog - Mastodon - Thursday, May 4, 2000
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