From Dive 166 at Columbia Pillars

- Saturday, July 6, 2002 -
Something I think I should take photos of a little more often, if only to give my visitors an idea of where I'm at when I'm diving: my Cobra dive computer. It shows that I'm at 86 feet, having been to 99 feet at the time; we've been down for 4 minutes, and, if I stayed at this depth, I'd be in "deco" in 28 minutes. My air consumption has yet to be calculated (or is significantly beyond my no-deco time), so it shows my Nitrox percentage at 32%. The air in my tank is exherting 2661 Pounds per Square Inch of pressure on the inside of the tank; that means (if my math is right) there's about 70 cubic feet of air still in the tank.

01-computer.jpg - 02-grouper.jpg - 03-lookingup.jpg - 04-lookingup.jpg - 05-spritely.jpg - 06-wierdcoral.jpg - Dive 167
By - The Dive Log - Blog - Mastodon - Saturday, July 6, 2002
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