December 30, 2007 - December 31, 2007 - January 1, 2008 - January 2, 2008 - January 4, 2008

January 3, 2008: Cayman Islands

A D2D New Years 2008: Cayman Islands dive
"Trinity Caves (GC)" - "Doc Paulson (GC)"

The weather changed, and as is not uncommon, so did my sinus conditions ...
Diving off of the Caymans:
  • Directions from Tampa: See your travel agent. All three islands offer great diving opportunities.
  • Conditions on the day of my visit: Cloudy, cool, windy

  • Personal Notes: Missed the first dive, but did the second one on Trinity Caves. Got pictures of my favorite creature, a Juvenile Drum. Hard buggers to shoot, and a proper shot can dictate a changing of the auto-focus point on your camera. Also got photos of an Arrow Blenny - very difficult to spot (thanks Kelly!) and not all that easy to shoot, either. At this point, I want to confess my undying love for my 100mm macro lens.

    The afternoon dives were a return to the Doc Paulson wreck (I only did one of them). Got a few more File Fish, some Pike Blennies, and a few Pedersen Cleaner Shrimp.


Trinity Caves (GC)
Not really that in focus, and I'm not sure what it is - some kind of Damsel, I think.

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
An Arrow Blenny in the middle of some Masked/Glass Gobies. I owe Kelly big time for showing me this little guy ...

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
Best shot of the Arrow Blenny I had. Was very happy to get it. Thanks again, Kelly!

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
Large (for a juvenile) Juvenile Drum. I spent a lot of time snapping his picture, as I didn't have any Juvie Drum photos using the new camera, and wanted to see what I could do with it.

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
A Secretary Blenny, I think.

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
Doc Paulson (GC)
The goal of most photogs during this return trip to the Doc Paulson was to get shots of the Pike Blenny that weren't that far from the wreck. I didn't get the chance to use the trick that I learned - if you put a mirror near the hole of one of these guys, they'll come all the way out to defend their area from their reflection!

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
While not a spectacular find, I didn't have any decent photos of razorfish. I think this is a Rosy Razorfish, and if so, supposedly female.

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
The head of a Garden Eel.

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
I need to stop taking pictures of Saddled Blenny - but then they can be cooperative subjects for practice ...

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
This should be a Banded Coral Shrimp, I think, except I don't see any claws!

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
I do think this Corkscrew Anemone has a Banded Clinging Crab living in it.

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
More shots of a Slender Filefish. There were actually at least three that I saw living on this wreck.

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
The strobes didn't fire ...

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
Pedersen Cleaner Shrimp, of course.

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
Arrow Crab.

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
Red Snapping Shrimp live deep inside Corkscrew Anemones. Getting them to come out usually involves agitating them, which can result in them popping a jet of water at your finger. I've never been brave enough to do it.

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
Hairy Clinging Crab, I'm guessing.

1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro

Dive data for dives on this day:

Dive Site Name Max Depth Minutes Water Temp
391 Trinity Caves (GC) 88 feet 51 min. 76 F
392 Doc Paulson (GC) 54 feet 59 min. 76 F
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