Trinity Caves (GC) |
Not really that in focus, and I'm not sure what it is - some kind of Damsel, I think.
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
An Arrow Blenny in the middle of some Masked/Glass Gobies. I owe Kelly big time for showing me this little guy ...
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
Best shot of the Arrow Blenny I had. Was very happy to get it. Thanks again, Kelly!
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
Large (for a juvenile) Juvenile Drum. I spent a lot of time snapping his picture, as I didn't have any Juvie Drum photos using the new camera, and wanted to see what I could do with it.
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
A Secretary Blenny, I think.
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
Doc Paulson (GC) |
The goal of most photogs during this return trip to the Doc Paulson was to get shots of the Pike Blenny that weren't that far from the wreck. I didn't get the chance to use the trick that I learned - if you put a mirror near the hole of one of these guys, they'll come all the way out to defend their area from their reflection!
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
While not a spectacular find, I didn't have any decent photos of razorfish. I think this is a Rosy Razorfish, and if so, supposedly female.
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
The head of a Garden Eel.
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
I need to stop taking pictures of Saddled Blenny - but then they can be cooperative subjects for practice ...
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
This should be a Banded Coral Shrimp, I think, except I don't see any claws!
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
I do think this Corkscrew Anemone has a Banded Clinging Crab living in it.
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
More shots of a Slender Filefish. There were actually at least three that I saw living on this wreck.
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
The strobes didn't fire ...
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
Pedersen Cleaner Shrimp, of course.
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
Arrow Crab.
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
Red Snapping Shrimp live deep inside Corkscrew Anemones. Getting them to come out usually involves agitating them, which can result in them popping a jet of water at your finger. I've never been brave enough to do it.
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
Hairy Clinging Crab, I'm guessing.
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |
1/50-F22-ISO200 lens: 100mm macro |