From Dive 49 at Theo's Wreck

- Thursday, May 4, 2000 -
If they weren't blurry, they'd look really cool. Bigger bubbles take a really strange shape as they ascend, kind of like flying saucers. And you get an appreciation of what uncontrolled lowering pressure can do to you when they grow and grow and then grow so big that they break apart.

tw2sukitom.jpg - tw2shamierona.jpg - tw2bubbles.jpg - tw2wreck1.jpg - tw2shelf1.jpg - tw2er2.jpg - tw2er1.jpg - tw2er3.jpg - tw2bridge1.jpg - tw2cucumber1.jpg - tw2hull1.jpg - tw2prop1.jpg - Dive 50
By - The Dive Log - Blog - Mastodon - Thursday, May 4, 2000
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