From Dive 49 at Theo's Wreck

- Thursday, May 4, 2000 -
It may not be spooky to you but it gives me a little shiver to see this. This is the best shot (of the 8 or so I took) of the edge of the Continental Shelf. Maybe it helps if you realize that I'm at about 70 feet, with the camera angled down, which would mean the shot would normally be of sand instead of the impression it might give you that that's just a "normal underwater horizon."

tw2sukitom.jpg - tw2shamierona.jpg - tw2bubbles.jpg - tw2wreck1.jpg - tw2shelf1.jpg - tw2er2.jpg - tw2er1.jpg - tw2er3.jpg - tw2bridge1.jpg - tw2cucumber1.jpg - tw2hull1.jpg - tw2prop1.jpg - Dive 50
By - The Dive Log - Blog - Mastodon - Thursday, May 4, 2000
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