From Dive 43 at Silver Point

- Saturday, April 29, 2000 -
Some tiny yellow fish ... again, considering the size of the fish, it's amazing they came out this well. If you don't spot them at first, look on the right half of the picture. I can't even hazard a guess as to what type of fish they are.

sponway1.jpg - sponway2.jpg - spbluefan.jpg - spfire1.jpg - spfire2.jpg - spbluef1.jpg - spbluef2.jpg - spbyfish1.jpg - spbyfish2.jpg - spfish1.jpg - spfish2.jpg - spfish3.jpg - spfish4.jpg - spparrotf1.jpg - spparrotf2.jpg - spschool1.jpg - spschool2.jpg - sptinyfish1.jpg - sptrumpet.jpg - sp2trumpet1.jpg - sp2parrot.jpg - sp2ray1.jpg - sp2ray2.jpg - sp2me.jpg
By - The Dive Log - Blog - Mastodon - Saturday, April 29, 2000
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