From Dive 43 at Silver Point

- Saturday, April 29, 2000 -
SisPic: My sister got a better picture of the trumpet fish, along with a clearer view of all the other fish nearby.

sponway1.jpg - sponway2.jpg - spbluefan.jpg - spfire1.jpg - spfire2.jpg - spbluef1.jpg - spbluef2.jpg - spbyfish1.jpg - spbyfish2.jpg - spfish1.jpg - spfish2.jpg - spfish3.jpg - spfish4.jpg - spparrotf1.jpg - spparrotf2.jpg - spschool1.jpg - spschool2.jpg - sptinyfish1.jpg - sptrumpet.jpg - sp2trumpet1.jpg - sp2parrot.jpg - sp2ray1.jpg - sp2ray2.jpg - sp2me.jpg
By - The Dive Log - Blog - Mastodon - Saturday, April 29, 2000
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